Sunday, January 31, 2010


Brian is not participating, (I know, I know ...Every party needs a pooper that's why we invited you... Brian Hafen, Brian Hafen) and I will post my picture when I take one not in my pjs and robe! GAME ON-MANANA!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let's get ready to Rumble!!

Tomorrow starts the Official Biggest Loser Competition. After talking to some of you I have tweaked the point system a bit and added some things. So here is how it will go. We are doing the point system same as before.

Biggest percent lost in a week - 25 pts
2nd Biggest percent lost - 15 pts.
3rd Biggest percent - 5 pts.

1st in Physical challenge - 25pts
2nd in Physical challenge - 15 pts
3rd in Physical challenge - 5 pts.

There will also be one Bonus Challenge a week. Natalie has found a website of a Biggest Loser that has certain bonus challenges, so she will post the Bonus challenge each week. Each Bonus challenge will be worth a certain amount of points and everyone that completes the bonus challenge will be awarded the points.

We are also going to add an exercise point category. Points will be awarded as follows:
Participate in an organized sport (ie basketball, pickleball, vball): 5 pts. Each day
Go to the gym: 3 pts each day
Go for a run: 3 pts

So everyone is in charge of keeping their points each week. After you weigh in on Monday Morning (every Monday with the exception of this first one.) You will get on the blog and post you weight percentage lost, total for the Physical challenge (ie # of sit-ups etc), Bonus points (if you got any), and Exercise points.

Example: Christel: 2%, 600 sit-ups, 25 bonus, 8 exercise

I will go on and add up everyone points and put them in your individual profile on the side. I will also arrange the profiles so everyone can see who is in the lead.

So for the week of February 1st - February 7th:
Physical Challenge : # of sit-ups
Bonus Challenge: Create a fitness plan to carry out over the next 20 Weeks to help you become the Biggest Loser. (25 pts)

I will Post a post in a couple of days for ideas for Physical Challenges. Leave comments of your ideas so I can incorporate them throughout the weeks.

If any of this doesn't make sense call me and I will explain it better. Also don't forget to post your picture for the side or I will find one for you!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let the games Begin!!!

It sounds like most everyone is in so here is how it will go. We can add changes to make it work the best way for us as we go.

Starting February 1st everyone who wants to start will weigh in. (When depends on when you want to do that day but just remember we are going to try to weigh in every Monday at the same time to keep it accurate.) We will all need to find a scale we like and try to weigh from that scale as much as possible.
There is no need to post your starting weight just the percentage you lost. There will be certain challenges every week that you can also earn points doing. Then it will be a combination of the effort you put in every week and also the percent of weight lost. Examples of the challenges would be most sit-ups in a week, most stairs, miles ran, push-ups etc.

So everything will be based on points - example:
Biggest percent lost in a week - 25 pts
2nd Biggest percent lost - 15 pts.
3rd Biggest percent - 5 pts.

1st in challenge - 25pts
2nd in challenge - 15 pts
3rd in challenge - 5 pts.

Points will be added up at the end and the person with the most points will be the BIGGEST LOSER.

The ending date will be Saturday June 14th. Then we could award the winner at Rachel's Baptism weekend. That is about 20 weeks.

As for the Challenges we can all come up with different challenges for different weeks.

I am excited this should be fun.

Also I would like to add before and after pictures next to our weight trackers on the side bar. So those of you who know how to post pics go ahead and those of you that don't email your pics and I will post them.

Instructions for Weight %

Here are the instructions to figure out the percentage of weight lost per week.
Step 1
Divide number of pounds lost by the starting weight.

Step 2
Multiply the answer to step 1 by 100

Step 3
Example: 40 /330 x 100 = 12.12%

Cute Background!

We did this with my Adams family two years ago and it was a great way to support, compete and report accomplishments! Bring it on, you are all going down! I have the most to loose so good luck to you all! How fun to talk trash to the Eves clan for once! Should be in laws versus!