Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 13

Week 13: April 26th- May 2nd

Physical Challenge: Pedometer

Bonus Challenge: High Frutose Corn Syrup(See post below)

Remember to post your results!


  1. weight loss 1.29%, 35 exercise points, 15 bonus points, 200 jumps (didn't remember until Sat oops!) please add my 5 points from last week too!

  2. Marilyn - 0% weight loss, 1200 jumps,
    55 exercise points, 40 bonus points (I promise I played with lots of different people last week)

  3. Christel - 0%, 800 jumps, 20 exercise, 20 bonus Natalie I added you points!!

  4. Daylemarie---sorry it is late I was busy eating high fructose corn syrup by a pool, and thanks for the heads up on the pedometer ,hummm! weight .54%, 30 bonus, 45 exercise, 2025 jumps.

    Ryan-- 10 exercise and I don't know how you all scored your friend points but I know he organized a game with 7 guys, so should he get 30 points?

  5. Points
    DM - 25, 25, 30, 45 - 125 pts
    Natalie - 15, 35, 15 - 65 pts
    Ryan - 10, 10 - 20 pts
    Christel - 20, 20, 5- 45 pts
    Mom - 55, 40 , 15 - 105
    Tank - 10 pts
