Monday, February 1, 2010

Possible solution?

Soooo what if we get 5 points for doing 30 minutes of cardio? Some of us who never get the chance to participate in organized sports are feeling a little gypped that our run only counts as 3! Then 3 points for going to the gym if you do something other than cardio like lift?? I don't know? Cardio could be anything from a walk to basketball!!!! oh yeah and are we doing old school real sit ups, like lay on your back and come all the way up to your knees? I just had a freaking kid! j/k I will try and touch my knees I guess! Or can we do crunches or other ab work?

The technicalities are going to get old huh! Just say shut up Daylemarie Get Over it!

1 comment:

  1. Here was the reasoning behind the 5 pts for organized sports... I figured it was a little easier to go to the gym and go for a run because you can do that by yourself on your own time as opposed to oraganized sports it is usually at a set time and getting other people there to play is also a factor but I will reconsider and say 3 pts for every 30 minutes of a run. So 6 pts. for an hour for a run. Hopefully that helps a little.
