Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 4: February 22nd - 28th

Physical Challenge: # of Lunges (you don't have to touch your knee to the ground but the leg you step with has to be bent to 90 degrees)
Bonus Challenge: Lent (See post below)

Just a heads ups for the future here are some things to do for extra points throughout the competition:
50 pts if you run in an organized 5K
50 pts if you participate in a tournament for any sport

Remember post your stats under comments of this post.

Good Luck!!!


  1. Christel - .97% , 400 JJ, 25 Bonus, 20 excerise
    Tank - 2.1%, 0 JJ , 0 Bonus, 20 excersie

  2. Ryan .82% . o JJ, o Bonus and 10 pts exercise.

  3. My Lent will be no soda for the week.

  4. Daylemarie- 1.56% I am embarrassed by my jjumping jack numbers! Haha guess I over estimated what it would take to win! 2,200 (if Marilyn has more than that I will tell you the real number! I'm a nerd) 0 bonus 35 exercise!
    Lent will be chips and crackers of any kind!

  5. Marilyn - 0% weight loss, 900 JJ, 50 pts. exercise, 0 bonus
